Saturday, July 31, 2010

What is there to do, when you can do nothing?

I think that society's rules have far exceeded to past the point of no return. This is a mortifyingly stupid society containing even stupider people. The masses are what causes the utmost stupidity within society. They clump every unique person into a giant pool of majority. Soon someone's reaction is based entirely upon every other person's reaction until everyone is exactly the same. What is wrong with the world? If everyone is basing what they do upon other people, then hypothetically, communism should work. And yet, it doesnt. Communism only truely exists and is functional in ideas and wishes. Not life. And yet, communism seems to be the basic function of living. One of the problems that throws humanity off the trail of communism and causes it to fail is their leaders who end up becoming greedy fuck ups and ruin everyone elses lives and are complete control freaks. But how can it be actual communism if there's a small group of people that live outside their OWN rules. Amazing how unstable society is.