I am sending this from my phone now, which I think is pretttty niffty:) haha...
So yes... I have been having issues. Eating. And sleeping. I've been doing both way too much. I've been sleeping abouttt 10 hours a day at least... I mean it HAS been broken up into smaller segments but still that's quite a lot... And when I am awake I cannot stop eating food.
Stupid me.
Stupid me.
I should probably just start drinking more, I feel like I'm dehydrated and that's making me eat more... And maybe sleep more idk about that one but yes, food is evil. :( I'm gaining a lot. A LOT. An insane amount. Stupid. Stupid. Me.
Food is a luxury, not a necesity. It is brought to test us my lovely, and with the guidance of others you can pull through with strength and determination and prove to everyone which path you chose to lead and the fact you did not stray, strive to be beautiful my lovely.