Thursday, December 11, 2008

Disoriented;; Page #1.2, Draft #4

**Please do not copy or take or steal...thankyou! Also, could you please comment on it?

Days, maybe weeks later (which seemed to be years, decades even...) she glimpsed something in the distance, but she was too far away to tell what it was. Maybe it was a great city bustling with people... or maybe a vast forest filled with dangerous and deadly animals. Anything to get away from the red that constantly surrounded her.
She kept walking, waiting impatiently for the thing in the distance to come into focus. To distract herself she imagined an enormous city, busy with loud vendors yelling for anyone to buy their products. People busting around buying things they didnt even need. Poor, filthy people sitting on the edges of streets begging for money. Pickpockets quietly stealing from unsuspecting people. Carts and wagons trying to get through the crowded streets. Stray dogs and cats running around, half concealed in shadows, then quickly, stealing food from a vendor who then yells at them. Not truely angry. Rats scurying in the sewers, their red eyes glinting evilly and drool dripping slowly from their mouths.
That would be perfect- to be surrounded by people! It didnt matter if there were pickpockets, rabid rats or poor people, it still would be nice. To be surrounded by people!
She looked up at the shape in the distance and saw it was gone, she gasped, looking around her. Where had it gone? Oh! There it was...behind her? How had it gotten there? That was strange. She couldnt of walked past it, and not have noticed, even from the distance it looked big.

Page #1.2 Draft #4
I repeat, please comment on this. This is the second page of my first page, which probually does not make sense, but it is because I am labling the pages based on how far I got in the first draft. Which ends up with alot of first pages.
--> And also page 1.0 is really 1.1, same thing...(:
thankyou (: Alex

Disoriented; Page #1.0 Draft #4

**Please no copying or stealing or taking. Thankyou...and please comment on any ways I could improve this;;

There was nothing, no one, no where. All she could see was bare, flat ground. No trees, no people, no plants, no animals, no one, nothing. How had she gotten here? She had no idea. First she was...where had she been? Somewhere different...It was...A-a...She couldn't remember! She groaned, wondering how she got here. Wherever here was. It was so...empty. Completely void of anything and everything.
She felt completely alone, "Hello!?" She yelled as loud as she could, straining her voice, her yell turning into a croak. But worse than that was her yell yielded nothing, not even an echo. There was truely nothing.She started walking, one foot infront of the other, heel to toe, heel to toe. She concentrated on her steps, counting untill she lost count in the thousands. Every step she took pounded loudly on the hard ground even through her attempts to walk silently.
She walked for days, never stopping, always walking in the same direction. Always wondering if she was actually walking in circles.
One thing that was starting to drive her crazy was that the landscape always looked exactly the same. Flat, hard-packed reddish-brown dirt. And the sky even had a constant reddish hue, making it look on fire. The whole effect made it look like something bad has happened in the land she was in. Something catastrophic. Like the whole planet (If it was a planet) had burst into flame violently, killing all and leaving nothing.
After a while (she had lost count of her steps in the one thousands enough times that she lost count of how many times she had lost count) she noticed she still was not tired, hungry, or anything, almost as if she had just started walking. This was strange because she was in a hard (though temperate) almost desert looking landscape.
Draft #4 1/2;; Page #1.0 (C) A.W.